08 Sep Thinking Outside The Box
This week we want to talk subversion. It’s not as serious as it sounds, trust us. Thinking outside the (literal) box is taking the packaging industry by storm and a few blogs ago we told you about Greenbox and their super cool convertible containers for pizzas and wraps. You might not be quite at the stage where you’ve got the cash flow to invest in cutting-edge products but we’ve got a few handy hints to get your packaging working in ways you might not have thought.
First up, when is a bowl not just a bowl? When it’s used for anything but soup! Okay we’re not winning a comedy award any time soon but ponder the concept a moment and humour us. Packaging companies can be guilty of overselling to their customers – not so with ID Packaging. We’ve got low minimum orders for a start so you won’t be buying things you don’t need but we’re also advocates of using what you can, where you can. Whilst you probably wouldn’t want to shoe-horn a pizza slice into a bowl, there’s nothing to say a portion of wedges or falafel wouldn’t sit nicely in there. Using what you’ve got left over in your stock means less wastage or can even start a bit of a quirky reputation for your business.
Speaking of reputation, make sure yours is iron-clad with the right design and print across your packaging. It’s easy to think that containers are simply there to limit the use of hand-carrying when it comes to takeout, but it’s an often under-appreciated marketing opportunity too. Your boxes should be branded and colour coordinated with the rest of your marketing material with logos and contact info printed on them too. We’re always happy to help with the artwork process if you’re stuck for ideas so if your in-house marketing team consists of you and a Clipart design then fear not, give us a call and we can guide you to packaging success!
If you’re stuck in a routine with your packaging strategy the why not loosen up a little and at minimum risk? We like to see companies making waves with container design ideas and if you order with us and confirm before October 31st you’ll benefit from our super low 4,000 minimum order offer! It can be scary to shake up tried and tested routines but with our custom print solutions, SFI-certified paper materials to keep the planet smiling and experts on-hand to help you through the process, it couldn’t be easier to start putting new ideas to package up your goods into action.
Better yet, come and visit us at the this years Takeaway Expo at London’s Excel on September 27th & 28th! We’re super excited to be taking up residence at stall 670 for the duration of the event, and we love to meet likeminded people who want to make the most of their food packaging. We always have time for a chat so come by for a visit and we can take you through our artwork process and make sure you take advantage of our super low minimum order offer. Claim your free tickets for the Expo here: http://ow.ly/qMu8303Z2W7
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